Thursday, September 2, 2010

Pushing through when the hole is too small...

IS sometimes the only option. I leave on my mission in twenty days! AHHHHH! I can feel the opposition of the adversary in my life growing stronger every second of everyday! I know that a mission is where I need to be right now in my life. I am so excited to go and spread the Gospel to the people of Latvia! YAY! Life is an adventure. I am just trying to enjoy the ride!

I am so blessed that I grew up in a home where my mom stayed at home with us. Where I learned to cook and sew. Where, every fall, we all put on cut off sock tops and peel balanced tomatoes. So that the amazing creation of Italian stewed tomatoes can be made! Oh man! I love canning time! I am super glad that I got to be home during it one more time. It seems to always help with family relations!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

You are who you choose to be...

I just got done watching the Iron Giant. Which is just a good movie! I love it!
It is a good one to help us remember that we are who we choose to be. There is no set destiny for any of us. Our choices and decisions are what define who we are and who we will become.

Isn't it funny how we can apply everything in our lives to the Gospel? I can't help but think that this is what agency is all about. WE make who we are. WE make our own choices. Which is the way the Lord wanted it to be! I love agency, it is the greatest gift that out Father in heaven has ever given to us. I am so grateful that I know I get to choose. I get to decide how my life is going to play out. My goal in this life and in the eternities is to have everlasting joy. I know that it my Heavenly Father's plan for me also!

I love life and I love the Gospel! GO TEAM! I know that with the Lord's help all things are possible and with him by my side I am undefeatable! Muwahahahahah!

Keep the faith! :) Love you all! Hels

Saturday, August 14, 2010

"And I will be found of you..."

I was reading in the Ensign the other day when I came over the sweetest article that hit home. It was exactly what I needed to hear right now, at this time in my life. The article is talking about Jeremiah 29: 12-14. Most specifically the first line of chapter 14 when the Lord promises to the Jews that if they will "Search for [him] with all of [their] heart." he will be found of them. The article went on to describe how this young dad used to play Hide and seek with his young children. He wanted his kids to search for him, to seek after him. But he wanted them to find him easily, he wanted them to know that he was there, that when they went looking they would for sure know where he was. He said that he would sometimes hide in the same place, or leave a foot sticking out so they could obviously tell where he was hiding.

He likened this to us and our Lord. He wants us to come to him, to find him, to seek after him. We learn that as we look we will find him easily. He will be found of us. He is there for us to help us through our every trial and struggle. He loves us so much! I am so grateful that I have this knowledge!

There is a quote by President Hinckley that I love, I have it right by my mirror so I can read it everyday before I start my day it says
" It isn't as bad as you sometimes think it is. It all works out. Don't worry. I say that to myself every morning. It will all work out. If you do your best, it will all work out. Put your trust in God, and move forward with faith and confidence in the future. THE LORD WILL NOT FORSAKE US...If we will put our trust in him, if we will pray to him, if we will live worthy of his blessings, he will hear our prayers."

I love that quote and I know it is true. We are all Daughters and Sons of loving heavenly parents. Their love for us is infinite!

Love you all,
Hell Belle

Sunday, August 8, 2010


Have you ever noticed that all Chinese restaurants are all about the EXPRESS! They are definitely capitalizing on America's need for speed. They also have a lot of buffet style restaurants, once again capitalizing on America's need for large quantities. Those Asians are so tricky! No wonder they are all wealthy. (Which is of course a generalization. I don't know if all Asians are wealthy, but a lot of them seem to be doing better off than I am!)

I know that was random, but it was a thought that I had while driving home from the design fabric store. I saw like twenty EXPRESS Asian food places. They all want us to know that they are really fast! YEAH! GO TEAM!

Friday, August 6, 2010


I'm back in Utah...which is good I suppose. My life is weird. I don't know. I went on this adventure the other night with a guy from work and he told me how he went on a date with this girl from Texas. Well, as it turns out, I was looking at his pictures on face book and it was Cammie Jo's cousin Paige! WHAT THE HECK! How random is that? Cammie Jo and I have had a pretty good laugh about the whole thing. What are the chances of that happening?

Anyway, that is my quick little story. I hope you all enjoyed it as much as I have.


Saturday, July 17, 2010

No Brainer...


Why isn't Zac Efron Edward? He is so freakin' Hot! And would have done such a better job than that other guy


That is my opinion on the matter. Just so you all know.

Friday, July 16, 2010

Would you rater...

I have had a lot of time on my hands lately. Okay, lets just say I have had a lot of time to think lately. My hands have actually been really busy. But my brain has not been.

This has resulted in me playing the would you rather game with some friends via texting. (Because I am at work and they are not there with me or I probably wouldn't be thinking of such amazing would you rather questions.)

The most recent one has to do with the large amount of snails in the flower beds at SLCC. There are so many! For a long time I was just throwing them into the street. But watching them explode and then try to slime their way to the nearest area where they wouldn't be crushed by on coming cars, started to make me want to vomit. Really, I was feeling nauseous about the whole things. That is when I started to just throw them into my big bag of weeds and prunnings.

This got me thinking. If I were a snail, would I rather be flung into the road, to my certain painful and slow death, or would I rather be put into a hot moist bag with weeds and dead plants to die? I just don't know they are both awful fates.

I feel bad for the snails, because even though they are pests who eat all of the plants they are kinda cute...I know, gross, but have you ever really looked at a snail? With there cute little poke out eyes and their second set of antenna below those. (What are those for?) Do snails have mouths?

Anyway, I will continue to kill them, probably by the bag method because I can't stomach the throwing method.

I hope I won't be punished for all my killing. I often think of the snails rising up and causing a mutiny against the giant blond killer. Or I think of them having a sentry who Yells "RUN FOR YOU LIVES, SHE IS COMING!!!" Which is just funny because they are so slow! Oh, not to mention, it's not like snails have a huge mental capacity to organize themselves or even to know what is going on. HA HA, this job makes me feel like I'm five again.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's raining men, HALLELUJAH!

I have started my new job at the Community College, for those of you who don't know I am now a gardener for them. Yay me!

I feel like I should write about my experiences, but there are so many of them that I can't write about them all. So this post is going another list post. Who knows how long it will be. There are a lot of crazy things going on.

1- I am one of three women, that means that I work with about thirty two men. Hence the name of the post. I have given a couple of them nick names since I don't know all of their real names. They are as follows:
I- Hottie McTottie Jake ( I obviously do know his name he is just
really cute)
II-Take a picture boy ( I can't tell if he is staring at me because
he thinks I am pretty or because he thinks I am funny looking
III-Mr. USU. (He grew up in Logan and has as much appreciation for Logan
and USU as I do. He is pretty funny)
That is all I have for now as far as the boy nick name goes. They all stare at me though, like they have never seen a young lady before. The other two women who work with me are forty five and forty two. so I am like fresh meat!

2- The lady I work with hardly speaks any English. This makes for an interesting day. She laughs at everything I say! I could tell her that my dog died and she would laugh.

3-I keep getting bitten by bugs. I look like the main chracter from a vampire movie. (Of course it can act...uh...)

Those are it for now...I don't know what else to think or write. My head hurts. I work ten hours a day three days a week. So I have Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday off. Which is way nice! More to come about my job later! :)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Squirrels, men in black, pirates and a dancing cow.

Alright, my blog post has nothing to do with the title that it in there. That is just what popped up when I started to write so I decided to keep it. SWEET! Ha Ha

As we all know I have had my moments of embarrassing things in my life. I just can't stay away from them. Sometimes I go through my many embarrassments just to make myself laugh. Good times, good times. As it turns out I have no need for friends, I have myself...uh...

Alright, so the latest hilarity in my life? Today I stole my nieces scooter, yes ladies and gentlemen her scooter. I have never ridden one before and I wanted to share the joy. I see people riding them all the time on campus. All the cool kids are obviously doing it.

Now, the picture in your head should be one of me rolling merrily down a hill, enjoying every second of it. I went down one hill and was attempting to use the momentum of that hill to get down the next one. I almost made it too, only one kick with my foot and the joy and happiness were going to start all over again! YAY! (It is important for you to picture my seven year old niece running after me this whole time, trying so hard to get her scooter back! I am a horrible Aunt...she wasn't using it when I took it!) I break over the crest of the hill and notice a happy couple walking hand in hand down the hill. I thought they for sure heard me since I was laughing like an evil villain, Muwahahahahahaha! No response from this happy couple, in fact they didn't move at all! This resulted in me taking drastic measures, I had to run off the side of the path! Dun, dun, DUN!

As I hit the edge of the grass I immediately knew it was a bad decision, the grass was so soft! The front tire of the scooter sunk in almost five inches and I was thrown over the top and slid almost six feet on my side. Resulting in grass stains all over me. As I look up to see who saw the whole thing happen, (noticing that the couple was still oblivious to everything that just went on around them, and were now crossing the street. They must really be in love...) I realize that my niece and nephew's are all standing there with this awe struck look on their faces. Finally my niece manages to squeak out, "are you okay?" and they all start hysterically laughing.

It was pretty funny and I am okay. I have learned my lesson, Don't steal your nieces scooter without asking first! I still need some practice to be good!

Happy independence day! I love you all! Thank goodness I live in America and I was born to a faithful family who love and live the Gospel.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Gag ME!

I started a new job yesterday, and quit four hours later. This may seem slightly flaky to you all. I can see the little thought conversation bubbles popping up above your heads as I am writing this. These bubbles are containing thoughts such as, "Yep, that is typical Helen, not wanting to really work." or "Oh that crazy Helen, she is such a slacker. When is she going to learn to suck it up and just do it?" There are many more I know that have been thought. But, ladies and gentlemen, I am here to assure you that these thoughts (though once upon a time they might have been true) are ridiculous! I will now proceed to tell you about the worst job ever!

I thought that I was qualified for the position. I was going to be working with adults with disabilities. No big deal. I have done various jobs of this sort for the past four year. I have done everything and seen I thought...

I was going to be working in a house full of guys. I was scheduled for the graveyard shift from 11 pm to 9 am. INTENSE! But I assured myself that I could do this! I am a big girl and I have gotten accustomed to putting my big girls pants on.

I went for my training shift, and that is when it all crumbled at my feet. I don't even know where to begin. My supervisor had made it sound like I was going to be working with someone and that the house was an easy one...uh no...I was going to be working alone with Men who had serious problems. (Sexual problems, among other things) I was starting to panic! There was no way I was going to be able to do this!OH MY GOODNESS! I could hardly breath! It was so awful, not to mention the longer I was with the house manager, the more I realized she was a genuinely horrible person. I have never heard someone swear so casually ever! I know swearing seems like such a little thing but when accompanied with dirty jokes it is the cherry on top of a rotten banana split.

The kicker was then when I realized why they had me sign a disclaimer stating that I was not allowed to sue the company for any psycological or physical damages that I may incur while working for them. They mentioned to me that one client was sex crazed and could get violent if not I should watch my back. that's not happening.

So, needless to say, I am looking for a different job. ugh...I hate job hunting. I have applied for a position down at reams to work in their bakery. It would be a pretty sweet deal.

Oh boy, I am still in shock about everything...ugh...I just can't believe it. Wish me luck and maybe say a prayer that I will get the bakery job. It would be pretty amazing!

Monday, June 14, 2010

Garage Work

I am writing this blog to you live from the Wilson's garage in Salt lake City Utah. I know I am that cool. Mostly I was cleaning out Doug, my car. I was listening to pandora when I decided to get on to facebook and check something out real fast. When I noticed a ridiculous trend...People getting married at such a young age.

I would like to take a second and have an indepth talk with you all about this issue.

I love the church and I believe with all of my heart that it is true. I would love to remind you all that it is in no way church council for individuals to get married so young. I have never heard a prophen bust out and say, get married right after your mission or girls get married as quickly. (Not that I have much room to talk, but I would like you to know that I have learned from my mistakes and now see the folly of my ways.)

I am not against marriage, I would just like to remind you that in american society we don't fully reach maturity until around the age of twenty five or twenty six. I know it is an insane statistic but 100 % accurate I assure you.

Being single is one of the best things that has ever happened to me. I love having the independence of not having to worry about another individual or about any little kiddies. Few...I am doing just fine with enjoying my nieces and nephews. I get them when they are happy and pass them back over when they need something other than fun.

Okay, what brought this on is a couple of factors. On facebook almost every group I have joined has been a "WE ARE GETTNG MARRIED YAY!" Group. Congratulations to you all, I am very happy for you. (The one exception to this group is the "I bet this pickle can get more fans than twilight" group, it seemed like a good cause.)
But if you are younger than 23 you are being silly. Most of you don't have a clue what is going on in the real world. The other thing that brought this on was that I just joined another one of the wonderful groups and the title of it was " adam and heather are finally getting married!" (names have been changed to assure privacy and discresstion) Umm...Im pretty sure I went on a date with this boy in April. WOW! They have been dating for so long...ummm...not.

What is wrong with Mormon Society? Why can't we seem to not date before getting married? I know that every mormon young adult lives in fear of "messing up." But im here to tell you if you play it smart there is not need to worry. Pay attention to what has been taught to us and it will all be okay. The plus side of this is that you will actually get to know the person before you marry them. Hormones aside! YAY!

Alrighty then, so In conclusion:

1- Boys, I knwo the 18 and 19 year old girls seem great but don't go trying to raise yourself a wife...give her sometime to grow up.

2-Girls, stop freaking out if you are older than 20 and not married, take sometime to grow and learn and become independent. Remember that school is for learning and not for finding a husband. Don't make that your focus.

3-Lets all try dating for more than a month before getting engaged...I think this sounds good...

There you have it. If I think of anything else I may just come back and add it.
Excuse the typos and errors. I have to run to the grocery store! Happy Dating!

Friday, June 11, 2010


I have now moved home from Logan. I almost cried as I was leaving the city...almost. I have loved my time in Logan and all that I have learned there.

Being home is and adventure. Mom and I are trying not to kill each other. It is going rather well right now...we will see how it is in three months. I hope okay.

I am lamenting the loss of friends. I don't really have any in slc anymore. Sigh, I will make some right? I hope so. sorry it has been so long. My life is a wreck right now! I have things everywhere!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Say What!

I am serving my mission in Latvia! WHAT! I am going to be learning Latvian! CRAZY! I am kinda in shock about the whole thing! Jackie and Virgil thought it was great! Jackie told me to take courage because everyone hates each other over there. I am so happy and excited! except that I don't leave for another four months! I don't go into the MTC until September 22nd.

I am so excited for this new adventure to start. It will be amazing. I can't wait to be in the service of the Lord for 18 mo! I love this gospel! I am so pumped! BRING IT ON!

Thursday, April 29, 2010


So I finally had my bishop check on the status of my mission call. They are still waiting to assign me to a place to go...which is good to know. I was tired of opening my mail box and finding nothing...

So do you want to know what I hate? I hate over analyzing. But that doesn't mean I don't participate in the practice of over analyzing. I think that I might actually be the chair person of over analyzing are us. Oh boy...Alright so here is what I am over analyzing right now...

I met this guy, he is pretty cool. We have done stuff twice, yes this stuff did include kissing, and kite flying, and ice cream eating. we have also talked multiple times. So the other day he sends me a text asking about my mission. I responded back. Which resulted in us texting the whole day. I finally had to tell him I was going to sleep. The next day I didn't want him to think that I was totally blowing him off so I sent him a text. To be reassuring more than anything. He responded back and we ended up texting all day again, until I fell asleep while texting him...oops...

Well, I wasn't going to be the first one to text him today. But then I got to thinking about it, what if he was like, "wow, she must not be that into me..." when really I am into him. I don't let boys kiss me unless I am into them. I have found that this is just a good general rule of thumb. So, I sent him a text today saying, "Hey, sorry I fell asleep last night" Which of course he responded to.

Alright so we are texting again. Here are the things I am over analyzing (oh boys! if you even knew what girls do, then you wouldn't do to us what you do!)
1-Why did he kiss me? He knows I am going on a mission
2-Why is he texting me back?
3-Why does he talk to me forever when we do talk? For like an hour and a half. These aren't just little small chats, they are conversations.
4-Why does he take so long to respond to my texts? I mean, like an a half hour or more! Is he thinking to himself. "I really am not that into her but I don't want to be rude..." Because I can tell you that I usually try to nip those kind of things in the butt. I hate getting unwanted texts, and I find that I just don't respond to someone when I don't like them like that but I know that they like me like that. Does that make any sense?

Okay, I maybe just needed to get this off my chest...WHAT IS GOING ON! Oh boy! I feel so confused right now...Please no comments about me going on a mission and still having a crush on a boy...just because I am going on a mission doesn't mean that I am impervious to emotions...

Monday, April 19, 2010


I get my call this Wenesday! I know CRAZY! This whole process has taken forever! Lol, but I can handle it.

So, someone asked me the other day why I was leaving and I gave a really lame response. I highly doubt that person will ever read my blog, but I am going to respond here.

I told that person that I was unsure why I was going, it think I gave this answer because I was super tired and befuddled.

I do know why I am going, there are a million reasons why I am going. I think that the main one is because I know it is right for Helen. This whole process has been one giant leap of faith for me. I have had to work so hard to get where I am right now. (For those of you who know the whole story you totally understand!)

The other day I was walking across campus and I ran into my friend Matt, who is also getting his mission call this wednesday. We started talking and laughing. Discussing where we would think it would be cool to go. We didn't know at the time that we had an audience. When all of the sudden this guy walks over to us and ask "do you mind if I say something to you two?" Uh, well what were we going to say? It seemed like he was going to say it whether we said yes or no. So we let him speak.

He said to us, " I am a convert to the church. And I can tell both of you that the Lord will send you to the place where there is that one person who is waiting for you to bring them the truth."

It was such a neat experience for me. To hear a convert kinda bear his testimony. On parting he looked back at both of us and said " I am so jealous of both of you, that you get to go and teach. I never had the opportunity but I wish that I had."

I know this church is true. I know the blessings the gospel brings. I am so grateful for it. Not everyone gets to go out and spread this joy...

Serving a mission is a once in a life time opportunity. Getting married and having a famiy can wait. I will have the chance to do that for the rest of my life. But I will only have the chance to spread the joy of the gospel as a missionary once in my life.

Those are some of the reasons I am going. I am so grateful for my Heavenly Father and Savior's love! :) Life will all work out. Just have faith and know that God's timing is perfect, we just may not know it at the time!

Love ya all!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


So, Last night I made a new dinner, it was peanut butter chicken. Oh my goodness! It was so so amazing! I loved it!

I also made dessert last night, a bunt cake, it was also good. It was even better before I dropped a quarter of it in the dirty dish water. Lol, I was attempting to get it out of the pan and onto the plate, when something went horribly wrong! Next thing I knew, the cake was broken into thirds with half of it sitting in the dirty dish water! My friend Erin and I laughed pretty hard about it. Uh...I love it when things like that happen to me while I am cooking. It keeps me humble.

Today I had a doctors appointment to get a refill on my Allergy Medication. I got out of class early, so to kill sometime before the appointment I went to the computer lab to check to see if my taxes had been accepted. (I know I know, your little Helen is growing up! I did my taxes before tax day this year!) As I walked out of the TSC I saw the bus that I needed to take to get to my appointment. I thought it was getting ready to leave so I literally sprinted across campus to catch the bus. As I got onto the bus the bus driver was laughing at me. I felt maybe a little foolish at this point. I felt really stupid when we sat there for like ten minutes on the bus before it moved! LOL! It was super funny...

And so when I got to the Doctors appointment, I was pumped back up by the doctor. He apparently felt the need to tell me how beautiful I was and that and I quote " I was beautiful enough to be on a magazine!" LOL! It was great and, as shallow as this is going to sound, it kinda made my day. Let it be known that the Doctor was like a sixty year old little old man! He cracks me up! Every time I go and see him he has something nice to say. Last time after he took my vitals he told me that I was in really good shape and then he asked me if I worked out. Oh man! I love it!

I know, the past 24 hours have really been amazing! Life is great! It is a beautiful sunny day up here in logan and the birds are singing and the sun is warming up the cold decrepit parts of Cache Valley that have not been touched by the warmth of the sun for 6 months. I love it up here! :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

Backstreets back...ALRIGHT! '

SO I accidentally left Toby in my friend Peter's car after our amazing vacation to island park. So I cannot rely on my dear friend Toby for music because he is in SLC. My internet isn't working on my computer, so I can't rely on Pandora. So I have been reduced to listening to the music that is on my computer.

I use Maddie's old computer, so it is basically her music on it.

The result of this has been Helen listening to The Backstreet boy's all week. Uh...I all of the sudden feel so in tune with my 12 year old self. It is great! Except for the fact that I still have to to adult things like go to work and school. My mom is no longer my alarm clock either. I have to cook my own food, do my own laundry and clean my own apartment. Basically the only way I am in tune with the past is with my music. OH NICK (as in Nick form the backstreet boys) wont you come and save me from this life that is full of responsibility and insanity! LOL! Oh boy!

You know the Backstreet boys aren't as good as I remember them being...huh...go figure!

School is almost over, summer is almost here. I maybe almost gone! :) We will see I find out in a week and a half!

Love you all! Have an amazing week! :)

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

You are my Sunshine...

Okay, so really sunshine is my sunshine and I miss it so so much!What is going on here! It snowed Eight inches in the Cache Valley on Monday! Oh no! Snow go away! No one likes you in April! It should be sunny and green, birds should be singing and the trees should be changing.

So the other day I sat in on someone in one of my classes, it was super funny! I was trying to get to the seat that my friends had saved for me. Well apparently people don't know how to move their bags, cause I tripped over a girls back and sat on the girl next to her. oops! lol it was pretty funny although I am pretty sure I blushed pretty bad! I still don't even know her name! Ha Ha!

I love life, just so you all know. Even if there is still snow on the ground here in the Cache Valley. Maybe I Should go snow shoeing!

The Lord loves us all and is there every second of everyday! Just thought you should all know.

I will be more diligent about writing, and about making them funnier. Because really my life is ridiculous!
Love, Hells!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Oops, I spoke too soon.

It is currently snowing in the Cache Valley. Uh...I guess I jinxed it. Sorry...

But other than that it has been a wonderful day filled with super funny stories to tell at a later time. I refuse to allow my spring break to suck so we shall see what adventures I can get into this week! I am excited. One adventure that is going to be great is...BRITTNEY AND TYSON'S WEDDING! YAY! I am excited for them.

Okay enough of the rambling I have noting else to really say for the time being. :)

Friday, March 12, 2010

USU Student Healt Attributed to...

Drumroll please! USU Student Health attritbuted to the fact that if you live west of campus at all you have to walk up a hill. I have the wonderful opportunity of walking up old main hill multiple times everyday! Oh Joy! even when it is negative twenty billion outside! It is so so cold! I think that I might have almost died a couple of times this year!

But I must say that without old main hill I would probably be very unhealthy and my BMI (Body Mass Index) Would be very high. Lol! I have a nutrition class this semester, It is very interesting. I also just so happen to sit next to one of the funniest people almost every time in that class. Serioulsy! He makes me snort! And maybe it is just because I don't have a hard time being me around him at all...Lol...Oh boy! Who knows why I think he is so funny. I think it could be each of us is mediocre but when we are combinded we make an amazing mixture! Like peanut butter and chocolate! Alone they are okay, but when you put them together BAM! They become amazing! You just can't help but be drawn to them! This combination also has the problme of being very distracting to not only each other but also the people around us. Uh...sorry if you sit anywhere near me in my NFS 1020 class. I honestly don't mean to be so distracting.

Anyway back to old main. I was walking up to class today, actually more like truding up the hill. When I can to a very popular sledding spot on the hill. I have never gone sledding on old main hill, at least not on a sled! You know how when one spot of a hill gets over used it turns into ice? This is exactly what happened to this spot of the hill. Resulting in being able to slide down the hill on you pants pockets. (more commonly know as you butt.) I love love loved it! So much fun. It made me smile. Not to mention that today was the most beautiful day ever in logan and the beginning of spring break! YAY! You can't not smile on days like this!

So, Happy Spring Break! Enjoy the sunshine! Love ya!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

I get to spread peanut butter!

sometimes I wonder if people think before they speak, sometimes I wonder if I speak before I think. I am case any of you haven't yet heard. Which makes me more confused than anything. What is that even supposed to mean?

Also apparently my pants are trashy. I can't ever wear them to work again because they have a little whole in the top by the pocket. WHAT?! I don't have that many pairs of pants that don't have holes up there. Needless to say this made me a tad more irritated than I wanted to be. I actually just plain pissed me off. It might have been the deliverance of the matter more than anything.

Lets see...I don't believe I have anything else to to complain about. This post is quite a bit shorter.

OH I go to get my mission physical tomorrow then I will be done with everything and I can turn in all my papers! YAY! I am excited! In stake conference on Sunday a recent convert bore her testimony and it was so amazing! I want to spread the joy of the Gospel to those who are seeking it! As I was telling a friend yesterday, they are they bread, the gospel is the peanut butter and I an the knife! I will be an instrument in the Lords hand to spread amazing deliciousness! YAY! :) I love you all and so does Jesus! Have a good day! :)

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Im not lying...we really do have more fun! Sorry to all you brunettes out there!

I can finally change my blog! YAY! I am so excited! I was getting really really sick of my last blog settings and because of some complications I couldn't do anything about it! So I took action and just made a whole new blog!

I have decided that I haven't done a top ten for this semester, or even for last semester. So a top ten of Spring 10' is needed!
HERE WE GO!(In no particular order)

10- A couple of weeks ago I was asked to bear my testimony in stake Women's conference which I have started calling the swm (pronounced like swim) or the secret women's meeting. Lol! Okay so I have now become a celebrity of sorts...I have people coming up to me telling me that my testimony was amazing! Which is very gratifying...But it is just kinda weird. WHO ARE YOU! WHY DO YOU KNOW ME! LOL oh boy! I just don't think I have ever received so much attention from strangers!

9- I cut eight inches off my hair. I can now do it curly agian. It feels weird in the shower, but it is so so great!

8- I am now at least decent at snowbarding. I love boarding the Bev! It really is a magical palce. I went yesterday, all day , without sunscreen. I now resemble a very well done lobster!

7- Despite the freezing cold temperatures still here up in the good ol' L-Town, I love it! Utah state is amazing! Let us reflect on some of the good points, the mountains, the Bev, The basketball! (does it get any better than aggie basketball?) The amazing campus, and when the sunshine's (yes it does shine occasionally!) I wouldn't want to be anywhere else in the world.

6-I have come to the realization, this semester, that I only have a handful of friends left form high school. Which is weird and strange, I have been out of high school for four years now and I would mostly rather hang out with my Logan friends than almost anyone from high school. Oh, and what is up with everyone from my high school marrying each other! STOP IT! It is weird! I wish I could tell everyone to move at least an hour from home for two years and go home once every third month. This is one of the best ways I have discovered to discover yourself!

5- Making mini snowmen is fun! Making mini snowmen villages is even funner! I love it! They are just so happy and Merry!

4- Religion in life! The Friday devotionals here in logan, they are the perfect way to cap off a week! I have learned so much from them!

3- I love meeting kindred spirits! There is nothing better, and I have discovered a few this semester. They seriously have made life up here so much easier! YAY! Heavenly Father knows when to send who into our lives! Don't ever forget that!

2- I love my new major, so amazing! some more exciting news, unless I have done my calculations wrong I only have 34 more credits to go before I graduate. This means I have one semester of 16 credits and one semester of 18 credits! YAY!

1- the fact that i can't count backwards is cracking me up! oh man. That is not number one. Number one is that I have decided to serve a mission. I still need to send in my mission papers but I don't think that there is anything that I would rather do with my time right now than spread the amazing message of the gospel with those who are seeking it! EXCITING! I am super nervous! 18 months is a long time but it will be good for me! This is going to be such an adventure!

YAY for top ten, I could have made this more funny but meh...i didn't so live with it! Im tired!:/ Have an amazing rest of the week. I have to run off to a class. I just BSed a paper for. I thought that college would cure me of that, but it didn't. :) Love you ALL!