Friday, July 16, 2010

Would you rater...

I have had a lot of time on my hands lately. Okay, lets just say I have had a lot of time to think lately. My hands have actually been really busy. But my brain has not been.

This has resulted in me playing the would you rather game with some friends via texting. (Because I am at work and they are not there with me or I probably wouldn't be thinking of such amazing would you rather questions.)

The most recent one has to do with the large amount of snails in the flower beds at SLCC. There are so many! For a long time I was just throwing them into the street. But watching them explode and then try to slime their way to the nearest area where they wouldn't be crushed by on coming cars, started to make me want to vomit. Really, I was feeling nauseous about the whole things. That is when I started to just throw them into my big bag of weeds and prunnings.

This got me thinking. If I were a snail, would I rather be flung into the road, to my certain painful and slow death, or would I rather be put into a hot moist bag with weeds and dead plants to die? I just don't know they are both awful fates.

I feel bad for the snails, because even though they are pests who eat all of the plants they are kinda cute...I know, gross, but have you ever really looked at a snail? With there cute little poke out eyes and their second set of antenna below those. (What are those for?) Do snails have mouths?

Anyway, I will continue to kill them, probably by the bag method because I can't stomach the throwing method.

I hope I won't be punished for all my killing. I often think of the snails rising up and causing a mutiny against the giant blond killer. Or I think of them having a sentry who Yells "RUN FOR YOU LIVES, SHE IS COMING!!!" Which is just funny because they are so slow! Oh, not to mention, it's not like snails have a huge mental capacity to organize themselves or even to know what is going on. HA HA, this job makes me feel like I'm five again.

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