Sunday, August 8, 2010


Have you ever noticed that all Chinese restaurants are all about the EXPRESS! They are definitely capitalizing on America's need for speed. They also have a lot of buffet style restaurants, once again capitalizing on America's need for large quantities. Those Asians are so tricky! No wonder they are all wealthy. (Which is of course a generalization. I don't know if all Asians are wealthy, but a lot of them seem to be doing better off than I am!)

I know that was random, but it was a thought that I had while driving home from the design fabric store. I saw like twenty EXPRESS Asian food places. They all want us to know that they are really fast! YEAH! GO TEAM!

1 comment:

  1. how sad is it that i just found your new blog? i just figured you were done with the blogging world. lucky me that i went back and double checked!
