Embarrassing things happen, we can't avoid them, here are a few priceless ones, not saying that they ever happen to me. I just know that they happen.
1- You are walking somewhere with a friend, just chatting up a storm. When you start to feel this weirdy vibe coming from the person next to you. You look over and realize that the person standing next you isn't really the person you thought they were, but a total and complete stranger! Of course this results in an awkward stare from them and a foolish blush from you. So, where is your friend? They saw something cool and stopped walking. Not bothering to think that maybe you would have enjoyed to see the cool thing too. Instead, they leave you to the mercy of the strange person who happened to be lassoed into your ramblings about life. Uhh...sorry.
2- You know when you really have to go to the bathroom, really really bad so you run into the first stall available? Only upon finishing, do you realize that there isn't any toilet paper! What do you do? Do you ask the kind patron in the stall next to you to "Spare a square?" breaking all rules of bathroom etiquette? Or do you buck it up and drip dry? (Please note, drip drying is not always sufficient...) Good luck with that friend, now you are wishing you were more like your Granny and carried tissues in your purse. Next time, right?
3- Trying to be discrete when letting a little toot slip by only to have one of two things happen, and in some occasions both. A) It isn't a little toot and there is not way that sucker was ever going to squeak by. It might as well have rolled out the welcoming mats. B) It squeaks by, but it is one of those Silent but deadly ones, that makes every one's eyes water. Yeah, just don't let it go.
4- The following account is a true story, which did not happen to me, but I find it very funny. So you are talking to your friend, Heather, on the phone about the weird, kinda' creepy guy who is attempting to date you. You notice that this said guy is trying to call you on the other line. So, you launch into a whole discourse on how you don't want to talk to him and you think that he are weird. asking Heather "Heather, what should I do! How to I get rid of him?!" only to have the reply come from a male voice "Ummm, this isn't Heather." What! Little did you know, Heather's phone had died and in losing her call, your phone picked up his call...uh...awkward. Well, I guess you just got your wish, and you learned a very valuable lesson, don't talk smack on people!
5- You are walking across campus, when you see a boy you find to be very attractive. He looks at you and waves. You smile and wave back, resulting in him looking at you like you are a total idiot as he walks past you to give the girl behind you a hug...ouch.
Anyway, life is good. I realize that I haven't updated my blog lately. The summer is almost over! I can't believe it! Ugh! time goes by way to fast. My Job at SWCA Environmental consultants is almost done and I am sad. I have loved working for them. Seriously! The people are great. Coming to work everyday isn't too bad. I will be moving back up to Logan pretty soon. I am looking for a job up there, so if any of you have any leads, give me a holler! I would really appreciate it!
Adjusting to real life instead of mission life has been an adventure. I have come to the conclusion that life is just hard no matter what you are doing. President Monson was right, we all need to just enjoy the journey, cause there is no greener pasture than the one we are in!
Have a good week! love ya all!
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Eleven sure fire ways to get an "I do"
Thinking of proposing soon? Here are some great ideas I found on a web site today:
• Put her name as "WIFE" on the bowling machine.
• If your partner uses medically prescribed foot cream, put the ring somewhere near that.
• Have 300 custom-made paintballs with wedding rings inside, then spend the day surprise-shooting your future spouse.
• Dress up like a giant bug and say "Be my spouse, you louse!"
• Mail yourself to China, then mail yourself to your significant other's office. It's important to mail yourself to China first for that realistic, well-traveled box look.
• Wait until she's giving an important presentation at work and interrupt the meeting. Tell her "It's your job or me forever."
• Write a Top 40 song where you propose to your significant other in the chorus. This only works if he or she has a nose for popular music.
• Swallow the ring and get your significant other to take you to the hospital so when they pump your stomach he or she will get a surprise.
•You could probably bungee jump off a tall building and slip it on your significant other's finger while she or he is walking underneath without hurting anyone.
• Kidnap the local varsity football quarterback and impersonate him during the big game. After taking a snap with a special ball you attached a wedding ring to, throw it at her on the sidelines and say "Marrying me would be a slam dunk." Also, win the game.
• Or, you could use the text box at the bottom of a coupon website. Mildred, we have walked through all the stars in the solar system for years now. You were the one by my side when I couldn't stand by my side on my own two feet. For all the days of my years, you filled my insides with emotion and my outside with delight. Will you make me the most full man in the world by being my legal wife? Thanking you in advance, The Man Who Writes These.
Oh my goodness right? I when I saw these I started to read them seriously, I was totally weirded out, until I realized that they were a joke. Once I finally caught onto the sarcasam train I couldn't stop laughing! ? I hope you enjoyed them as much as I have!
• Put her name as "WIFE" on the bowling machine.
• If your partner uses medically prescribed foot cream, put the ring somewhere near that.
• Have 300 custom-made paintballs with wedding rings inside, then spend the day surprise-shooting your future spouse.
• Dress up like a giant bug and say "Be my spouse, you louse!"
• Mail yourself to China, then mail yourself to your significant other's office. It's important to mail yourself to China first for that realistic, well-traveled box look.
• Wait until she's giving an important presentation at work and interrupt the meeting. Tell her "It's your job or me forever."
• Write a Top 40 song where you propose to your significant other in the chorus. This only works if he or she has a nose for popular music.
• Swallow the ring and get your significant other to take you to the hospital so when they pump your stomach he or she will get a surprise.
•You could probably bungee jump off a tall building and slip it on your significant other's finger while she or he is walking underneath without hurting anyone.
• Kidnap the local varsity football quarterback and impersonate him during the big game. After taking a snap with a special ball you attached a wedding ring to, throw it at her on the sidelines and say "Marrying me would be a slam dunk." Also, win the game.
• Or, you could use the text box at the bottom of a coupon website. Mildred, we have walked through all the stars in the solar system for years now. You were the one by my side when I couldn't stand by my side on my own two feet. For all the days of my years, you filled my insides with emotion and my outside with delight. Will you make me the most full man in the world by being my legal wife? Thanking you in advance, The Man Who Writes These.
Oh my goodness right? I when I saw these I started to read them seriously, I was totally weirded out, until I realized that they were a joke. Once I finally caught onto the sarcasam train I couldn't stop laughing! ? I hope you enjoyed them as much as I have!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
I take trax to and from work. (obviously, because if I go to work on trax, I must come home also.) Which in and of itself can be an adventure. But my company pays for trax and not for gas. So, free public transit it is!
The other day I was sitting there and I was reading their, "Thank you for..." sign. The very first one says "Shoes and shirt required." I didn't think much about it until I read it for a second time. (I obvioulsy need to find something more constructive to do while I am sitting on the train for 30 min everyday.) That is when I realized, pants are optional! So, what if I just got onto the train without any pants on...what would they do? I thought this was hilarious. could you imagine if people just got on the train in their skimpies? I seem to recall a New York city flash mob involving this once...
Any who. If you ever have the urge to wear just your underware on traxs they really can't do anything to you. They are just asking for it.
I hope you all have a good day. :)
The other day I was sitting there and I was reading their, "Thank you for..." sign. The very first one says "Shoes and shirt required." I didn't think much about it until I read it for a second time. (I obvioulsy need to find something more constructive to do while I am sitting on the train for 30 min everyday.) That is when I realized, pants are optional! So, what if I just got onto the train without any pants on...what would they do? I thought this was hilarious. could you imagine if people just got on the train in their skimpies? I seem to recall a New York city flash mob involving this once...
Any who. If you ever have the urge to wear just your underware on traxs they really can't do anything to you. They are just asking for it.
I hope you all have a good day. :)
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
SWCA, this is Helen...
This is how I answer the phone fifty billion times everyday. Do you want to know what I have noticed. People are hard to understand on the phone. When I ask them what their name is, it is like they purposely bring the phone closer to their mouths so that it is all mumbled and I can't hear a thing that they are saying. It makes things rather difficult...
so, I walked into the break room my first week. (I have been meaning to blog about this for a while...) And I am eating my lunch, all alone, no big deal. When I look over to the recycling bins. (Okay, I work at an envorionmental consulting firm. Of course they are going to have recycling bins...) and I notice a green bin...then I read the sign above the green bin. it says. "SWCA is composting!!" Followed by a list of things that can be put in the compost box. WHAT THE! I have never worked in a place where there was intentional decay of waste products going on. What are we going to do with the compost when we are done? I hope that someone has a garden. As weird as this was to me. I have come to the conclusion that is is awesome! I love the fact that I work with a bunch of environmentalist who like to be kind to our earth. I think that it is even rubbing off on me! :)
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Mmmm...the things we compost... |
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And here we have the green box |
so, I walked into the break room my first week. (I have been meaning to blog about this for a while...) And I am eating my lunch, all alone, no big deal. When I look over to the recycling bins. (Okay, I work at an envorionmental consulting firm. Of course they are going to have recycling bins...) and I notice a green bin...then I read the sign above the green bin. it says. "SWCA is composting!!" Followed by a list of things that can be put in the compost box. WHAT THE! I have never worked in a place where there was intentional decay of waste products going on. What are we going to do with the compost when we are done? I hope that someone has a garden. As weird as this was to me. I have come to the conclusion that is is awesome! I love the fact that I work with a bunch of environmentalist who like to be kind to our earth. I think that it is even rubbing off on me! :)
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Im not narsasitic!
Alright, so for my employment I work as a receptionist for an environmental consulting firm in Salt lake city. I love my job and I love the people I work with. The only down thing is that there is a lot of down time. Which, you know is not really a bad thing, it just gets kinda boring sometimes. To battle the boredom I often find myself doing an assortment of things to entertain myself. one of the things that I did this morning was Google myself...I know! It is so nerdy. But I was interested in finding out what was on line about me. I would like to share some of the things that popped up. (For the record nothing about me actually popped up...)
Helen Jean Wilson She passed away on 26 Jan 1936 in Land St Keith, Scotland. Helen Jean Wilson 1928 ~ 2011 Our beloved wife, mother, grandma, sister, friend---Helen Jean Wilson, 82 passed away.
(What the random pictures of old women, these are the only pictures that came up...I'm diggin' it. At least all of the pictures are of attractive old women, if this is a common trend I will take it.)

I have always said that I have an old woman's name and this just goes to prove it! Funny story, while my Aunt Susan was in the states For my Granny Helen's funeral, she had my Granny's old cell phone number, which was to become my number once she had returned back home to Australia. I had given this number to one of my best friends with implicet instructions not to call me until after wednesday. Seeing as how this is the day I would have the phone. Well, she forgot and called the number on tuesday night and my Aunt answers and my friend asks for me. Well, my aunt has no idea what is really going on, and the connection is really bad. (I'm just throwing this out there, you can only understand about 1/3 of what my friend says when she is talking to you on her phone.) So my Aunt's reply? "ummm, I don't know how to tell you this but Helen is dead..." My friend freaked out! Ha Ha... In all honesty though I love my name and I am so so grateful that I was named after one of the most amazing people on the face of the planet. My Grandma was awesome and a huge example to me. So, although I share my name with tons of women over the age of 80, I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. This is my Grandma, who I was named after...She was amazing! And not too bad looking. Good genetics, I am really grateful for them!
Helen Jean Wilson She passed away on 26 Jan 1936 in Land St Keith, Scotland. Helen Jean Wilson 1928 ~ 2011 Our beloved wife, mother, grandma, sister, friend---Helen Jean Wilson, 82 passed away.
(What the random pictures of old women, these are the only pictures that came up...I'm diggin' it. At least all of the pictures are of attractive old women, if this is a common trend I will take it.)

I have always said that I have an old woman's name and this just goes to prove it! Funny story, while my Aunt Susan was in the states For my Granny Helen's funeral, she had my Granny's old cell phone number, which was to become my number once she had returned back home to Australia. I had given this number to one of my best friends with implicet instructions not to call me until after wednesday. Seeing as how this is the day I would have the phone. Well, she forgot and called the number on tuesday night and my Aunt answers and my friend asks for me. Well, my aunt has no idea what is really going on, and the connection is really bad. (I'm just throwing this out there, you can only understand about 1/3 of what my friend says when she is talking to you on her phone.) So my Aunt's reply? "ummm, I don't know how to tell you this but Helen is dead..." My friend freaked out! Ha Ha... In all honesty though I love my name and I am so so grateful that I was named after one of the most amazing people on the face of the planet. My Grandma was awesome and a huge example to me. So, although I share my name with tons of women over the age of 80, I love it and wouldn't have it any other way. This is my Grandma, who I was named after...She was amazing! And not too bad looking. Good genetics, I am really grateful for them!
Monday, May 21, 2012
It's Monday...again
So, I walk into work this morning and there is a huge sign on the fridge saying that we shouldn't use it because it is broken. I opened it up and turned it on...oh boy! Truth is, I cleaned the fridge on Friday and forgot to turn it back on. Oops. The super comical thing about this is not the fact that I left the fridge on. It is the fact that multiple people tried to "fix" the fridge over the weekend and none of them could figure out what the problem was. Hmmm...I work in an office with smart educated people who have their master and doctorate degrees, and none of them thought to see if the fridge was turned on. This was a common sense intelligence test, and everyone in my office failed...oh boy!
Friday, May 18, 2012
18 Months and a month extention later...
Oh my goodness. I am back in America but I am nowhere near home! I miss Latvija with all of my heart! WOW! If someone asked me to serve again in that tiny Baltic Country I would go again in a heart beat. I wish that I could share with you all everything that I experienced, but there is no possible way. I figured that my first blog entry back would be a good one to do a top ten list with. They for sure help things stay more organized in my head...(My mission by the way did not solve my randomness, nor my inability to focus...I am still a work in progress!) sorry that it has taken me so long to get back on here...truth be told I forgot my Gmail account name and so... I had to do some searching. But I am now back and ready to rock your worlds! HA!
Ten of the reasons I loved my mission:
1) I now understand that God our loving Heavenly Father. He loves all of us so much! He would do anything for us and has given everything for us. We are his work and his Glory! We are the reason he exists and truth be told, he needs us as much as we need him! Without us he would be without a job!
2) Go to church every Sunday to renew the covenants that you have made with our Heavenly Father. The sacrament is what it is all about, it is how we retain a remission of our sins! Go to church and start your week with a clean slate! That is a gift that was given to us if we will just go to church and do it!
3) Whoever said repentance was bad thing was a bad person. Repentance is the best! Oh my goodness! It is a blessing from our Heavenly Father and Savior to us. We will never be perfect and you know what? That is okay! Because our Savior, Jesus Christ already paid the price for our imperfections, so we don't need to carry around that burden! We have the amazing opportunity to give it over and try again. Does this mean we will be perfect and never do that same thing again, Ideally? Yes. Realistically? No, Sorry, but that is okay. Repentance is real! We need to be using it everyday! Not repenting is like not driving the Porsche you have in your garage, if you aren't going to use it, why did you buy it? USE IT! Just like driving a Porsche feels so good. (I am just imagining here, I unfortunately have not had this experience.) Repentance feels so good!
4)Read your scriptures everyday! Most of us have smart phones now, down load the Gospel Library and Read them on the go! You can read them during your lunch break at work, or during the commercial break. Honestly, the blessings you receive from this simple request from Heavenly Father will far surpass the plot in the T.V. show.
5)Say your prayers! We have this amazing privilege given to us, we get to talk everyday to the man who created the Earth, ummm, hello! Wouldn't most of us rearrange our schedule if the President of the United States wanted to talk to us, or if we were told we needed to call him everyday, morning and night and give him and update of our lives. I think that most of us wouldn't miss a morning or night. So, realize that God has given us the same invitation. He loves us and has commanded us to call him at least morning and night! Most of us have become far too casual in our relationship with God. We have pushed him to the side and turned him into a burden in our lives. Prayer is not a burden it is a privilege! USE IT! we can communicate to our loving heavenly Father through, and he longs to communicate with us. Morning and Night, on your knees, just do it!
6) A smile can go a lot farther than you think. People have told me that I am a generally happy person and that I smile a lot. I never really thought about it honestly until I moved to a country where people were not generally happy and smiling was out of the norm. I stuck out like a cow in a burger joint! I also realized that smiling can bring someone from the depths of despair to the surface of hope. Everyone wants to know that there is at least one person out there who cares. 7) All you need is love! The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about love! So shouldn't we be all about love to. Don't be afraid to tell your family that you love them! I know it might be weird for some of you. (Oh trust me it was weird for some of the Latvians when I would just bust out with "Es Tevi Milu!" I love you! They thought it was way weird!) But, you know, did anyone of them have to question if I loved them or not? No! Because I told them! They knew it because they heard it and felt it! love can make all of the difference so love yourself, love your spouse, love your neighbor! But most of all love our Heavenly Father.
7)Sometimes, life is hard. No matter what kind of life you have, life is just plain hard! Everyone has trials and challenges. No one has the perfect life. So, just have faith, keep being a good girl or a good boy, remember your covenants and everything will work out for your good. (This is called enduring to the end.)
8) The temple is the house of God a place of love and beauty, a place where we can derive strength beyond our own! We are so blessed in American to have so many wonderful temples so close to us. The temple is in another country, across the Baltic sea in Latvija, and you know what? The members still went. They recognize the blessings that come from the temple and they know that they can't live without them. We too can learn this lesson and feel the sustaining strength of regular temple attendance.
9)Follow the promptings of the spirit! One time, Sister Kerr and I were knocking a dome (That is what the apartment buildings are called over there. It is Russian for house.) And it was just going horribly. I had never had so many people in one dome threaten to call the cops on me!It was crazy. I kept getting the feeling that we didnt' need to be there...but the thought of going outside was killer, it was so cold! BAH! so, we finished it and went home feeling horrible. So the Next night we were planning for the next day when I said to Sister Kerr "I'm sorry about that dome, I was starting to wonder while we were knocking it if we should have even been there." She looked at me and said " I had that exact same thought!" WHAT!? REALLY!? We could have saved ourselves so much heartache and sorrow if we had just listened and talked to each other about it. The spirit knows all things what we should do!
10) Last of all I learned to love a people and a country and a language that I didn't even really know existed two years ago. (I mean I am sure that I learned about Latvija in some geography class at sometime in my life...) There is not a day that goes by where I do not think of my family there, where I do not long for the country and the rain and the rivers. I want to speak Latvian again. (Okay if you are Latvian and reading this, I know I need to get a skype account...I am working on it!) I want to teach the Gospel all the time again! I learned what it meant to lose yourself in the service of others and I loved it! I loved my mission! I am so grateful that I went! Never did I think that it would mean this much to me and never will I forget how much it has changed and impacted me. Ar milestibu, Helena
1) I now understand that God our loving Heavenly Father. He loves all of us so much! He would do anything for us and has given everything for us. We are his work and his Glory! We are the reason he exists and truth be told, he needs us as much as we need him! Without us he would be without a job!
2) Go to church every Sunday to renew the covenants that you have made with our Heavenly Father. The sacrament is what it is all about, it is how we retain a remission of our sins! Go to church and start your week with a clean slate! That is a gift that was given to us if we will just go to church and do it!
3) Whoever said repentance was bad thing was a bad person. Repentance is the best! Oh my goodness! It is a blessing from our Heavenly Father and Savior to us. We will never be perfect and you know what? That is okay! Because our Savior, Jesus Christ already paid the price for our imperfections, so we don't need to carry around that burden! We have the amazing opportunity to give it over and try again. Does this mean we will be perfect and never do that same thing again, Ideally? Yes. Realistically? No, Sorry, but that is okay. Repentance is real! We need to be using it everyday! Not repenting is like not driving the Porsche you have in your garage, if you aren't going to use it, why did you buy it? USE IT! Just like driving a Porsche feels so good. (I am just imagining here, I unfortunately have not had this experience.) Repentance feels so good!
4)Read your scriptures everyday! Most of us have smart phones now, down load the Gospel Library and Read them on the go! You can read them during your lunch break at work, or during the commercial break. Honestly, the blessings you receive from this simple request from Heavenly Father will far surpass the plot in the T.V. show.
5)Say your prayers! We have this amazing privilege given to us, we get to talk everyday to the man who created the Earth, ummm, hello! Wouldn't most of us rearrange our schedule if the President of the United States wanted to talk to us, or if we were told we needed to call him everyday, morning and night and give him and update of our lives. I think that most of us wouldn't miss a morning or night. So, realize that God has given us the same invitation. He loves us and has commanded us to call him at least morning and night! Most of us have become far too casual in our relationship with God. We have pushed him to the side and turned him into a burden in our lives. Prayer is not a burden it is a privilege! USE IT! we can communicate to our loving heavenly Father through, and he longs to communicate with us. Morning and Night, on your knees, just do it!
6) A smile can go a lot farther than you think. People have told me that I am a generally happy person and that I smile a lot. I never really thought about it honestly until I moved to a country where people were not generally happy and smiling was out of the norm. I stuck out like a cow in a burger joint! I also realized that smiling can bring someone from the depths of despair to the surface of hope. Everyone wants to know that there is at least one person out there who cares. 7) All you need is love! The gospel of Jesus Christ is all about love! So shouldn't we be all about love to. Don't be afraid to tell your family that you love them! I know it might be weird for some of you. (Oh trust me it was weird for some of the Latvians when I would just bust out with "Es Tevi Milu!" I love you! They thought it was way weird!) But, you know, did anyone of them have to question if I loved them or not? No! Because I told them! They knew it because they heard it and felt it! love can make all of the difference so love yourself, love your spouse, love your neighbor! But most of all love our Heavenly Father.
7)Sometimes, life is hard. No matter what kind of life you have, life is just plain hard! Everyone has trials and challenges. No one has the perfect life. So, just have faith, keep being a good girl or a good boy, remember your covenants and everything will work out for your good. (This is called enduring to the end.)
8) The temple is the house of God a place of love and beauty, a place where we can derive strength beyond our own! We are so blessed in American to have so many wonderful temples so close to us. The temple is in another country, across the Baltic sea in Latvija, and you know what? The members still went. They recognize the blessings that come from the temple and they know that they can't live without them. We too can learn this lesson and feel the sustaining strength of regular temple attendance.
9)Follow the promptings of the spirit! One time, Sister Kerr and I were knocking a dome (That is what the apartment buildings are called over there. It is Russian for house.) And it was just going horribly. I had never had so many people in one dome threaten to call the cops on me!It was crazy. I kept getting the feeling that we didnt' need to be there...but the thought of going outside was killer, it was so cold! BAH! so, we finished it and went home feeling horrible. So the Next night we were planning for the next day when I said to Sister Kerr "I'm sorry about that dome, I was starting to wonder while we were knocking it if we should have even been there." She looked at me and said " I had that exact same thought!" WHAT!? REALLY!? We could have saved ourselves so much heartache and sorrow if we had just listened and talked to each other about it. The spirit knows all things what we should do!
10) Last of all I learned to love a people and a country and a language that I didn't even really know existed two years ago. (I mean I am sure that I learned about Latvija in some geography class at sometime in my life...) There is not a day that goes by where I do not think of my family there, where I do not long for the country and the rain and the rivers. I want to speak Latvian again. (Okay if you are Latvian and reading this, I know I need to get a skype account...I am working on it!) I want to teach the Gospel all the time again! I learned what it meant to lose yourself in the service of others and I loved it! I loved my mission! I am so grateful that I went! Never did I think that it would mean this much to me and never will I forget how much it has changed and impacted me. Ar milestibu, Helena
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