Alright, my blog post has nothing to do with the title that it in there. That is just what popped up when I started to write so I decided to keep it. SWEET! Ha Ha
As we all know I have had my moments of embarrassing things in my life. I just can't stay away from them. Sometimes I go through my many embarrassments just to make myself laugh. Good times, good times. As it turns out I have no need for friends, I have myself...uh...
Alright, so the latest hilarity in my life? Today I stole my nieces scooter, yes ladies and gentlemen her scooter. I have never ridden one before and I wanted to share the joy. I see people riding them all the time on campus. All the cool kids are obviously doing it.
Now, the picture in your head should be one of me rolling merrily down a hill, enjoying every second of it. I went down one hill and was attempting to use the momentum of that hill to get down the next one. I almost made it too, only one kick with my foot and the joy and happiness were going to start all over again! YAY! (It is important for you to picture my seven year old niece running after me this whole time, trying so hard to get her scooter back! I am a horrible Aunt...she wasn't using it when I took it!) I break over the crest of the hill and notice a happy couple walking hand in hand down the hill. I thought they for sure heard me since I was laughing like an evil villain, Muwahahahahahaha! No response from this happy couple, in fact they didn't move at all! This resulted in me taking drastic measures, I had to run off the side of the path! Dun, dun, DUN!
As I hit the edge of the grass I immediately knew it was a bad decision, the grass was so soft! The front tire of the scooter sunk in almost five inches and I was thrown over the top and slid almost six feet on my side. Resulting in grass stains all over me. As I look up to see who saw the whole thing happen, (noticing that the couple was still oblivious to everything that just went on around them, and were now crossing the street. They must really be in love...) I realize that my niece and nephew's are all standing there with this awe struck look on their faces. Finally my niece manages to squeak out, "are you okay?" and they all start hysterically laughing.
It was pretty funny and I am okay. I have learned my lesson, Don't steal your nieces scooter without asking first! I still need some practice to be good!
Happy independence day! I love you all! Thank goodness I live in America and I was born to a faithful family who love and live the Gospel.